My Favorite Things

Ribbons, rocks, dolls, stationeries and all things Sanrio. These were the stuffs that I used to collect. Some were wallet-draining and some didn't even cost a cent. I think most people, at some point in their lives, have collected something. Reasons? Countless. I can name a few which I can relate though... it's fascination and a thing that you wanted so bad but never had it.

My penchant for anything vintage is all because of grandma. She has loads of stuffs that I could only imagine now. Hand-me-downs from her are very exquisite, especially the accessories... but these things that I call exquisite were completely ignored when I was a kid. I let my dolls wear them but you'll never see them on me. Kids love toys & new stuffs, right?!

Now I'm all grown-up and dolls are not my thing anymore... I am my own doll now. So let me show you favorite things...

What about you? What are your favorite things?


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